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Cynthia as the "Modern Day Goddess"
Cynthia as her "AphFoodite" character

BUY the Book:
Diary of a Modern Day Goddess
A lighthearted account of one woman’s quest for enlightenment. In a humorous, fresh twist on the topic of spirituality, award-winning writer Cynthia Daddona shares her quest to become a modern-day goddess: a woman in touch with her joyful, feminine, and spiritual self. Her essays and advice offer inspiration, spiritual truths and chuckles that soothe the soul. Her insightful musings range from affirmations to meditations, from yoga to yogurt, from finding Nirvana to finding the perfect pump at Nordstorm. In every essay, you’ll find humor mixed with very deep understandings as a metaphor for how to live. Daddona does not claim to be a doctor, a therapist or the Roman goddess Venus, just an everyday woman with a never-ending quest to become completely in touch with her inner soul, inner comic and divine feminine spirit. Indeed, she shows us how humor is a beautiful tool in the never-ending quest for inner wisdom and reminds us that laughter is vital to every goddess.
“Diary of A Modern Day Goddess” was first published by Health Communications Inc, who also publish The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.
[Video] Cynthia Daddona on being a Modern Day Goddess®

“Lighthearted Enlightenment.” —Ann Shields, Los Angeles Times
“Cynthia Daddona’s humor and energy wake people up with a smile. This goddess has it all.”
— Jeanne Bergh, CBS News
“Cynthia is a very funny lady. She got me in touch with my inner goddess, who turned out to be an old woman named Maude Frickert. I was so taken by her book on enlightenment, I leave the lights on 24 hours a day.” — Jonathan Winters, Legendary Comedian
“Cynthia Daddona has a truly divine sense of humor – but what else would you expect from a Modern Day Goddess?” — Doug Adrianson, Los Angeles Times
“Cynthia is an inspirational example of someone who believes in herself, her work and affirms her success to manifest her dreams. She will nurture your spirit, uplift your soul and tickle your funny bone.” -– Jack Canfield, Co-creator of #1 best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®, Co-Author of The Success Principles, Teacher of The Secret and America’s Success Coach.
Cynthia is engaging...” — Nancy Gaifyllia, New York Times’ About.Com
“This book at first glance it may appear to be "for women only" but it can also be of great benefit to men. Not only will they get a glimpse into the "inner soul" of a modern-day goddess but if they’re brave, they will also get a look at their own "inner female." I finished this book feeling like I’d made a friend… Written with a humorous touch, this book entertains and enlightens. Great relaxing and uplifting reading!” — Marie T. Russell, Innerself Magazine
“This book is best-seller material! I howled with laughter while reading Diary of A Modern-Day Goddess. Cynthia Daddona is a gifted writer and talented woman who knows how to share lovable truths and good common sense about a woman’s true spiritual journey.” - Maria Del Rey, Grammy-nominated Recording Artist & Music Producer
“Her humor mixed with very deep understandings is a metaphor of how to live. I bought a copy for myself, my daughter, my stepdaughter and granddaughter.” — Liz Ray, Age 70
“I loved this book. When I read Diary of A Modern Day Goddess I laughed, I cried and sometimes both at the same time. Cynthia has hit the nail on the head with the realization that to have a better life you must first become a better person.” – Jillian Moon, Physical Therapist
“With her incomparable wit and wisdom, Cynthia demystifies and de-lightens the emerging new paradigm of woman today and brings honor to the intuitive spirit in every woman.” — Magi Myggen, Feng Shui Consultant and Owner, Intuit-Design
“I felt inspired, encouraged, informed, entertained and uplifted reading Diary of A Modern Day Goddess. Cynthia delightfully teaches us that spirituality can be lived with laughter, intelligence, elegance and style. I loved this book so much I jumped into bed and read it all once.” — Annette Guionnet, Creative Expression Therapist
“Cynthia’s humor is a beautiful tool in the never ending quest for inner wisdom. It is also a reminder that laughter is vital to every goddess.” — Maria Haramis, Owner, Sunflower Soaps
“I like the lighthearted enthusiasm that Cynthia shows us as a positive way to live.” — Barbara “Rama” Seltzer, Reiki Master, Age 72
“Cynthia Daddona helps us lighten up about everyday life with laughter and wisdom that is healing to the soul.” — Beverly Katherine Kirkhart, Inspirational Speaker and Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul, Publicist
Coming Soon!
Video Course, Cook-Booklet and Recipes
Mediterranean Culinary-Travel Stories of
Life, Love & Longevity
Recipes to Nourish
the Body, Mind & Soul

Hi Everyone, Later this year, I will be offering an inspiring video course, called "Joyful Mediterranean Date Dinners" that focuses on the ritual and recipes for consistent wellbeing times at the table for yourself, and/or partner and loved ones. The recipes are Mediterranean - Italian and Greek inspired with gluten-free & dairy-free options. This video course is inspired by my own life starting with my Mediterranean Italian-Greek heritage, my travels of hosting culinary documentaries, my teaching wellbeing and cooking classes and simply experiencing healthy, soul satisfying times at the table. My husband (James) and I had weekly date dinners since 2006 and for myself back when I was single. Subscribe to my newsletter to learn when this course has been released and to receive wellbeing wisdom tips and recipes for a more joyful life.
Love and Blessings to you, Cynthia
How to use these Recipes for Life, Love and Longevity!
The Mediterranean Sea is also the birthplace of the world famous Mediterranean Diet study that showed Greek and Italian villagers’ farm-to-table cuisine and lifestyle were one of the healthiest and longevity producing ways-of-life in the world.
Crete - Under the Grecian Sun with the Goddess and the Greek® and A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class (Santorini, Greece) are uplifting video journeys highlighting food and travel in the beautiful Greek islands. Follow award-winning host/interviewer, wellness/lifestyle journalist, comedian, author (Diary of A Modern Day Goddess) and Italian-Greek-American Cynthia Daddona, with occasional appearances with her Greek-Canadian-American husband James, as she explores rustic villages and urban areas in the Greek islands, Greece and Italy.
As a wellbeing author (Diary of a Modern Day Goddess), lifestyle journalist (food, travel, wellness magazines) and an independent filmmaker, Cynthia was delighted to experience, first-hand, farm-to-table Mediterranean cuisine and Crete’s culture, ancient history, village life and its warm, friendly people. The fact that Crete is the island where the Mediterranean Diet’s longevity research first took place was extra special for her as she enjoys researching how food and lifestyle affects one’s well-being. The 15-year research study headed by Ancel Keys, started in the late 1950’s and was called, “The Seven Countries Study.” It confirmed that Cretan island villagers had the lowest heart disease rate in the world giving the Mediterranean Diet its gold standard.
Cynthia’s recipes for positive living, well-being, laughter, spirituality, happy relationships, holistic living, delicious dining, inviting tables and delicious, healthy Mediterranean-inspired cuisine helps audiences create and savor times together around the table. She believes sitting at a table eating healthy delicious food, whether alone or with friends and loved ones, is nourishing to the soul and that feeding people is a sacred act. Cynthia gives back in a variety of ways, including donating food to foodbanks and volunteering in a community organic garden.
Cynthia’s American-Greco-Roman heritage, culinary journeys, home cooking experience, wit, life wisdom, humor and stories entertain and inspire by offering her audiences insights on how to create a more delicious, soulful and happy life. In addition, she won 1st place for one of her Mediterranean recipes in the International Mediterranean Diet Contest.
Also, enjoy Cynthia's Date Night Scheduler and Recipes in the booklet for planning wonderful date-night dinners at home. Do as The Goddess and the Greek® do at home and alternate who plans date nights!